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Rivers Govt. Bulldozers demolish Makeshift Shops, as new Ogbum-nu-Abali Fruit Garden Market opens for business in Port Harcourt

Opens after decontamination and under strict Covid-19 protocols.

By Daniel Efe

Rivers State Government bulldozers today destroying the makeshift site used by fruits and vegetables traders just as the new Ogbum-nu-Abali Fruit Garden Market in Port Harcourt opened for business today, June 8.

The makeshift site is located Opposite Corpus Christi Cathedral, Port Harcourt was allowed by the state government as a temporary succour for traumatized traders after their market went up in flames in September 2018.

Makeshift shops demolished today.

Side view of the new Ogbum-nu-Abali Market, Port Harcourt

The makeshift site was brought down early this morning, June 8 as so that the new alloted stores in newly rebuilt market besides Winners Chapel could be fully occupied and put to effective use by genuine allottees.

The State Commissioner for Special Duties, Dr. Thomas Bariere had revealed shortly after last Thursday’s Executive Council Meeting in Government House, Port Harcourt that the new market complex will be open for daily business from today, June 8.

He said all allottees had been issued designated bank accounts into which to pay the required shop allocation fees and any person who failed to pay within the stipulated time will risk losing ownership.

Bariere stated that all traders and members of the public going to do business at the market must observe all public health and safety standards including the use of face masks.

He said there will be hand washing facilities provided at the entrances of the market for use by people going to do business there, including the use of hand Sanitizers and physical distancing must not be compromised.

A visit to the new Market showed the bubbling of activities while some stores were still under lock.

The facilities in the new Market as stated by the Permanent Secretary, Bureau of Special Projects, Mr Sunday Okere, said the new Ogbun-nu-Abali Market has four buildings (one storey each) and eight buildings (bungalow), designed to promote commercial activities.

Other facilities in the market include, 232 open stalls, 72 lock up shops, toilet blocks, car park, drainage, internal roads, a warehouse, generator, transformer, perimeter fence and a security house.

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