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Motor Spare parts dealers protest Killing of late Chima, Motor Mechanic tortured to death by E-Crack Police

Chima Ikwunado

Frame him and other four colleagues as robbers

Claim late Chima died of diabetic complications

Daniel Efe/Port Harcourt

Business and Social activities around lkokwu Motor Spare parts in the densely populated areas of Mile 3 and Mile 4,in Diobu Port Harcourt, the Rivers State capital, were paralysed as Motor Spare parts dealers and colleagues of the late Chima Ikwunado, a motor Mechanic, allegedly tortured to death by Police, staged protest for justice.

Hundreds of the protesters blocked the ever busy Ikwerre road carrying placards with various inscriptions like “Chima Ikwunado is not a robber”, “Police tortured Chima to death”,” Chima is innocent”,” Police are killers” and others Protesters demanding for justice for Late Chima Ikwunado, unfortunately hoodlums hijacked the protest as Policemen ordered passerby to raise hands after firing continuous gunshots.

Motor Spare parts dealers, Mechanics stage protest in Port Harcourt over Killing of the late Chima Ikwunado, the mechanic.

Policemen who were on ground to quell the protesters swooped on some of them and arrested those they could lay hands on.

Late Chima Ikwunado died in Police custody due to alleged torture in the hands of E-Crack Unit of Mile One Police Station. Protesters were calling on the Federal Government and the law enforcement agencies to compel the E-Crack unit of the Mile One Police station to provide the killers of Chima before one week.

The Chairman of ‘Abuja’ by-pass Business Owners in Olu Obansanjo area, Iwu Anthony, and other business owners said the protest is to demand justice for the death of Chima and the release of others in prison who are facing framed allegations.

Protesters vowed that if their request is not met within one week, they would stage a statewide protest to demand justice for Chima.

They also demanded for the release of the four other persons who were arrested with Chima and now in prison custody for alleged allegation of cultism and armed robbery.

Hoodlums later hijacked the protest as Police dispersed people with continuous gun shots at Ikokwu area in Mile 2 Diobu, while passers-by were ordered to raise up their hands.

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