The APC National Publicity Secretary, Felix Morka, has revealed that he has received over 400 threats, including 200 explicit death threats, following allegations by Peter Obi that his remarks during an Arise News interview endangered Obi’s life.
Speaking during another appearance on Arise News on Wednesday, Morka detailed the harrowing nature of the threats, which he described as graphic and targeted at both himself and his family.
“These are not empty words,” Morka stated.
“I have documented approximately 200 explicit death threats. People have detailed plans to shoot me, behead me, and carry out other horrific acts.
“These threats extend to my family, and I will be forwarding them to law enforcement agencies for immediate action,” he alleged.
Morka categorically denied issuing any threats against Obi, calling the allegations baseless and unfounded, adding that his initial comments were misconstrued and did not amount to incitement or a call for violence.
This entire situation has been blown out of proportion. At no point did I threaten Peter Obi or suggest harm should come to him.
The individuals behind these threats are acting independently, and I have full confidence that the authorities will address this appropriately,” he added.
The controversy stems from Morka’s earlier remarks in a Sunday interview, where he accused Obi of “crossing the line” in his criticism of President Bola Tinubu’s administration.
His statement that Obi “deserved whatever came his way” sparked widespread outrage, with critics accusing him of stoking political tensions.